// ❓What is javascript

// 👉 A high level, single threaded, garbage collected interpreted or just in time
//    complied Prototyped based , multi-paradigm dynamic language with a non-blocking
//    event loop, made famous to build websites , it was created in 1995 in just one
//    week by BRENDAN EICH

// ❓ What is high level language ?
// 👉 A computer programming language that resembles natural language or mathematical
//    notation and is designed to reflect the requirements of a problem

// ❓ What is single-thread ?
// 👉 A single-thread language is one with a single call stack and a single memory heap.
//    It means that it runs only one thing at a time.

// ❓ What is garbage collector ?
// 👉 Some high-level languages, such as JavaScript, utilize a form of automatic memory
//    management known as garbage collection (GC). The purpose of a garbage collector is
//    to monitor memory allocation and determine when a block of allocated memory is no
//    longer needed and reclaim it.

// ❓ What is just in time complier ?
// 👉 The Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler is a component of the runtime environment that
//    improves the performance

// ❓ What is Prototyped based ?
// 👉 Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which
//    classes are not explicitly defined, but rather derived by adding properties and
//    methods to an instance of another class or, less frequently, adding them to an
//    empty object.

// ❓ What is multi-paradigm dynamic language ?
// 👉 multi-paradigm language. a programming language that supports both procedural and
//    object-oriented programming philosophies.

// ❓ What is procedural programming language ?
// 👉 A procedural language is a type of computer programming language that specifies a
//    series of well-structured steps and procedures within its programming context to  
//    compose a program

// ❓ What is non blocking
// 👉 It refers to the program that does not block the execution of further operations.
//    Non-Blocking methods are executed asynchronously. Asynchronously means that the
//    program may not necessarily execute line by line

// 🌟 PRINT 🌟
console.log("HELLO WORLD");

// ❓ What is variable
// 👉 Variable means anything that can vary. In JavaScript,
//    a variable stores the data value that can be changed later on.
//    Use the reserved keyword var to declare a variable in JavaScript.

// variable can store some information
// we can use that information later
// we can change that information later

// declare a variable
var firstName = "Himanshu";

// use a variable

// change value
firstName = "MONU"

// again use variable


// you cannot start with number
// example :-
// 1value (invalid)
// value1 (valid)

// you can use only undersore _ or dollar symbol
// first_name (valid)
// _firstname (valid)

// first$name (valid)
// $firstname (valid)

// you cannot use spaces
// var first_name = "harshit"; // snake case writing
// var firstName = "harshit"; // camel case writing
// first name (invalid)

// convention
// start with small letter and use camelCase

// 🌟🌟 let keyword 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is let keyword
// 👉 let allows you to declare variables that are limited to the scope of a
//    block statement, or expression on which it is used, unlike the var keyword,
//    which declares a variable globally, or locally to an entire function
//    regardless of block scope

// block scope vs funtion scope (covered later)

// 🌟🌟 const 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is const keyword
//👉 Constants are block-scoped, much like variables declared
//   using the let keyword. The value of a constant can't be
//   changed through reassignment

// declare constants

const pi = 3.14;


let firstName = "harshitdfjakldsfdf";

//  h    a   r   s   h   i   t
//  0    1   2   3   4   5   6

// console.log(firstName[0]);
// length of string
// firstName.length



// last Index : length - 1

// 🌟🌟 Useful string method() 🌟🌟

// 👉 Strings are immutable

// ❓ What is immutable ?
// 👉 Immutables are the objects whose state cannot be changed once the object
//    is created. Strings and Numbers are Immutable.

// 👉 trim()
// ➡️ trim() The trim() method removes whitespace
//    from both ends of a string and returns a new string,
//    without modifying the original string.

// 👉 toUpperCase()
// ➡️ The toUpperCase() method returns the value of the string
//    converted to uppercase. This method does not affect the
//    value of the string itself.

// 👉 toLowerCase()
// ➡️ The toLowerCase() method returns the value of the string
//    converted to lowercase. This method does not affect the
//    value of the string itself.

// 👉 slice()
// ➡️ The slice() method returns selected elements in an array,
//    as a new array. The slice() method selects from a given start,
//    up to a (not inclusive) given end. The slice() method does not
//    change the original array.

// 🛑 many more string methods out there

let firstName = "Himanshu Tiwari";

// 👉 trim()

// 👉 toUpperCase()

// 👉 toLowerCase()

// 👉 slice()
// slice() extrats a part of a string and returns the extracted part
// in a new string.

let newString = firstName.slice(3,firstName.length)

// 🌟 typeof operator 🌟

// ❓ what is typeof operator
// 👉 In JavaScript, the typeof operator returns the
//    data type of its operand in the form of a string.

// let age = 22;
// let firstName = "harshit";

// console.log(typeof age);

// // 22 -> "22"
// // convert number to string.
// age = age + "";
// console.log(typeof(age)); "22"

// // convert string to number.

// let myStr = +"34";
// console.log(typeof myStr);

let age = "ram";
age = Number(age);
console.log(typeof age);

// 🌟🌟 Data types 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is Data types
// 👉 A data type, in programming, is a classification that specifies
//    which type of value a variable has and what type of mathematical,
//    relational or logical operations can be applied to it

// 👉 there are two types of data types
// 1️⃣ primitive data types
// 2️⃣ non-primitive data types

// 1️⃣ primitive data types
// 👉 In JavaScript, a primitive (primitive value, primitive data type)
//    is data that is not an object and has no methods.

// ➡️ There are 7 primitive data types in javascript

// 👉 string
// 👉 number
// 👉 booleans
// 👉 undefined
// 👉 null
// 👉 BigInt
// 👉 Symbol

// ➡️ There are 3 reference data types in javascipt

// 👉 Array []
// 👉 function ()
// 👉 Object {}
// string concatenation

let string1 = "17";
let string2 = "10";

let newStringg = +string1 + +string2;
console.log(typeof newStringg);

// template string
let myAge = 22;
let firstName = "harshit"

// "my name is harshit and my age is 22 "
// let aboutMe = "my name is " + firstName + " and my age is " + age;

let aboutMe = `my name is ${firstName} and my age is ${myAge}`


// 🌟 🌟
// 🌟 undefined 🌟

// ❓ What is undefined ?
// 👉 A variable that has not been assigned a value is of type undefined

// 🌟 null 🌟

// ❓ What is null ?
// 👉 In JavaScript, null is a special value that represents an empty or unknown value.

// let firstName;
// console.log(typeof firstName);
// firstName = "Harshit";
// console.log(typeof firstName, firstName);

// let myVariable = null;
// console.log(myVariable);
// myVariable = "harshit";
// console.log(myVariable, typeof myVariable);
// console.log(typeof null);
// bug , error

// BigInt
// let myNumber = BigInt(12);
// let sameMyNumber = 123n;
// // console.log(myNumber);
// // console.log(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
// console.log(myNumber+ sameMyNumber);
// 🌟 booleans & comparison operator 🌟

//  booleans
// true, false

// let num1 = 7;
// let num2 = "7";

// console.log(num1<num2);

// == vs ===
// console.log(num1 === num2);

// != vs !==

// console.log(num1 !== num2);

// ❓ what is difference between == and === ?
// 👉 == in JavaScript is used for comparing two variables,but it ignores the datatype
//    of variable.=== is used for comparing two variables but this operator also checks
//    datatype and compares two values.

// 🌟🌟 if else condition 🌟🌟

// ❓ what is conditional statement?
// 👉 The conditional statement executes a block of code if a specified condition
//  is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed.
// let age = 17;

// if(age>=18){
//     console.log("User can play ddlc");
// }else {
//     console.log("User can play mario");
// }

// let num = 13;

// if(num%2===0){
//     console.log("even");
// }else{
//     console.log("odd");
// }

// 🌟🌟 truthy and falsy values 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is truthy and falsy values
// 👉 In JavaScript, a truthy value is a value that is considered
//    true when encountered in a Boolean context. All values are
//    truthy unless they are defined as falsy. That is, all values
//    are truthy except false ,0,-0,0n,"",null,undefined, and NaN.
//    JavaScript uses type coercion in Boolean contexts.

// 1️⃣ falsy value
// 👉 false
// 👉 ""
// 👉 null
// 👉 undefined
// 👉 0

// 2️⃣ truthy values
// 👉 "abc"
// 👉 1, -1

// let firstName= 0;

// if(firstName){
//     console.log(firstName);
// }else{
//     console.log("firstName is kinda empty");
// }

// 🌟 Ternary operator 🌟

// let age = 4;
// let drink;

// if(age>=5){
//     drink = "coffee";
// }else{
//     drink = "milk";
// }

// console.log(drink);

// ternary operator / conditional operator

// let age = 3;
// let drink = age >= 5 ? "coffee" : "milk";
// console.log(drink);

// 🌟🌟 && and || operator 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is && operator?
// 👉 it check if your both argument need to be true

// ❓ What is || operator ?
// 👉 it run if only one argument is true

// if(firstName[0] === "H"){
//     console.log("your name starts with H")
// }

// if(age > 18){
//     console.log("you are above 18");
// }

// if(firstName[0] === "H" && age>18){
//     console.log("Name starts with H and above 18");
// }else{
//     console.log("inside else");
// }
let firstName = "arshit";
let my_age = 16;

if(firstName[0] === "H" || my_age>18){
    console.log("inside if");
    console.log("inside else");

// 🌟 nested if else 🌟

// winning number 19

// 19 your guess is right
// 17 too low
// 20 too high

let winningNumber = 19;
let userGuess = +prompt("Guess a number");

if(userGuess === winningNumber){
    console.log("Your guess is right!!");
    if(userGuess < winningNumber){
        console.log("too low !!!");
        console.log("too high !!!");

// if
// else if
// else if
// else if
// else

// let tempInDegree = 50;

// if(tempInDegree < 0){
//     console.log("extremely cold outside");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 16){
//     console.log("It is cold outside");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 25){
//     console.log("wheather is okay ");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 35){
//     console.log("lets go for swim");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 45){
//     console.log("turn on AC");
// }else{
//     console.log("too hot!!");
// }

// console.log("hello");

// let tempInDegree = 50;

// if(tempInDegree < 0){
//     console.log("extremely cold outside");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 16){
//     console.log("It is cold outside");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 25){
//     console.log("wheather is okay ");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 35){
//     console.log("lets go for swim");
// }else if(tempInDegree < 45){
//     console.log("turn on AC");
// }else{
//     console.log("too hot!!");
// }

// console.log("hello there");

let tempInDegree = 4;

if(tempInDegree > 40){
    console.log("too hot");
}else if(tempInDegree > 30){
    console.log("lets go for swim");
}else if(tempInDegree > 20){
    console.log("weather is cool");
}else if(tempInDegree > 10){
    console.log("it is very cold outside");
    console.log("extremely cold");

// 🌟🌟 switch statement 🌟🌟

// ❓ What is switch statement?
// 👉 The switch statement evaluates an expression, matching the expression's
//    value to a case clause, and executes statements associated with that case,
//    as well as statements in case s that follow the matching case

// let day = 7;

// if(day === 0){
//     console.log("Sunday");
// }else if(day ===1){
//     console.log("Monday");
// }else if(day ===2){
//     console.log("Tuesday");
// }else if(day ===3){
//     console.log("Wednesday");
// }else if(day ===4){
//     console.log("Thrusday");
// }else if(day ===5){
//     console.log("Friday");
// }else if(day ===6){
//     console.log("Saturday");
// }else{
//     console.log("Invalid Day");
// }

let day = 9;

    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
        console.log("Invalid Day");

// 🌟🌟 LOOPS 🌟

// 👉 Loops are used in JavaScript to perform repeated tasks based on a condition

// 🌟 while loop

// 0 se 9
// dry don't repeat yourself
let j = 0; // 1 2 3 4

console.log(`current value of i is ${i}`);

// while loop example
let num = 100;
// let total = 0; //1 + 2 +3
// let i = 0;

// while(i<=100){
//     total = total + i;
//     i++;
// }

// console.log(total);

// let total = (num*(num+1))/2;
// console.log(total);

// 🌟 for loop 🌟  
// print 0 to 9

// for(let i = 0;i<=9;i++){
//     console.log(i);
// }

// console.log("value of i is ",i);

// sum of first 10 natural number using for loop

// let total = 0;

// for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i++){
//     total = total + i
// }

// console.log(total);

// break and continue

for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++){

// 🌟 Do while loop 🌟

let i = 10;


// 🌟🌟 ARRAY 🌟🌟
// 👉 An array is an object that can store multiple values at once.

// reference type
// how to create arrays

// ordered collection of items

// let fruits = ["apple", "mango", "grapes"];
// let numbers = [1,2,3,4];
// let mixed = [1,2,2.3, "string", null, undefined];
// console.log(mixed);
// console.log(numbers);
// console.log(fruits[2]);
// let fruits = ["apple", "mango", "grapes"];
// let obj = {}; // object literal
// // console.log(fruits);
// // fruits[1] = "banana";
// // console.log(fruits);
// console.log(typeof fruits);
// console.log(typeof obj);
// console.log(Array.isArray(fruits));
// console.log(Array.isArray(obj));

// array push pop

// array shift unshift

let fruits = ["apple", "mango", "grapes"];
// 👉 push
// The push() method adds one or more element to the
// end of an array and return the new length of the array.

// fruits.push("banana");
// console.log(fruits);

// 👉 pop
// The pop() method removes the last element from an array and return
// that element. This method changes the length of the array.

// let poppedFruit = fruits.pop();
// console.log(fruits);
// console.log("popped fruits is", poppedFruit);

// 👉 unshift
// The unshift() method adds one or more elements to the
// begining of an array and return the new length of the array.

// fruits.unshift("banana");
// fruits.unshift("myfruit");
// console.log(fruits);

// 👉 shift
// The shift() method removes the first element from an array and
// returns that removes element. This method changes the length of the
// array.

// let removedFruit = fruits.shift();
// console.log(fruits);
// console.log("removed fruits is ", removedFruit);

// 🌟 primitve vs reference data types 🌟
// let num1 = 6;
// let num2 = num1;
// console.log("value is num1 is", num1);
// console.log("value is num2 is", num2);
// num1++;
// console.log("after incrementing num1")
// console.log("value is num1 is", num1);
// console.log("value is num2 is", num2);

// reference types
// array
let array1 = ["item1", "item2"];
let array2 = array1;
console.log("array1", array1);
console.log("array2", array2);
console.log("after pushing element to array 1");
console.log("array1", array1);
console.log("array2", array2);

// 🌟 how to clone array 🌟

// how to concatenate two arrays

let array1 = ["item1", "item2"];
// let array2 = ["item1", "item2"];
// let array2 = array1.slice(0).concat(["item3", "item4"]);
// let array2 = [].concat(array1,["item3", "item4"]);
// new way
// spread operator
let oneMoreArray = ["item3", "item4"]
let array2 = [...array1, ...oneMoreArray];



// 🌟 for loop in array 🌟

let fruitss = ["apple", "mango", "grapes", "banana"];

// for(let i=0; i<=9;i++){
//     console.log(i);
// }

// console.log(fruits.length);
// console.log(fruits[fruits.length-2]);
let fruits2 = [];
for(let i=0; i < fruits.length; i++){


// 🌟 while loop in array 🌟

const fruits = ['apple','mango','grapes'];

let i = 0;

// 🌟 For of loop 🌟
// for of loop gives us the value

const fruits = ["Papaya","orange",'apple','mango','grapes'];

for (let fruit of fruits){

// 🌟 for in loop 🌟
// for in loop gives us the index

// for in loop kisi bhi object ki key lene ke liye use karte hain
// ya index lene ke liye use karte hain

// for of loop kisi v literable ko iterate karne ke liye use karte hain

const fruits = ['apple','mango','papaya'];
const fruits2 = [];

for(let index in fruits){



const myArray = ["Rohan" , "Sohan" , "Mohan", "Johan"];

// let myVar1 = myArray[0]
// let myVar2 = myArray[1]
// let myVar3 = myArray[2]

// console.log("The value of first var = " + myVar1);
// console.log("The value of second var = " + myVar2);

// Now we have easy trick to do the same thing.

// let [myVar1, myVar2, myVar3] = myArray;

// console.log("The value of first var = " + myVar1);
// console.log("The value of second var = " + myVar2);

// we can skip the index by using commas.
// for ex.

// let [myVar1, ,myVar2] = myArray;
// console.log("The value of first var = " + myVar1);
// console.log("The value of second var = " + myVar2);

// const myBioData = ['himanshu','kumar',19];

// 🌟🌟 OBJECT 🌟🌟
// 👉 In JavaScript, an object is a standalone entity, with properties and type.
//    JavaScript objects can have properties, which define their characteristics

// // objects reference type  
// // arrays are good but not sufficient
// // for real world data
// // objects store key value pairs
// // objects don't have index

// // 🌟 how to create objects 🌟

// const person = {
//     name : "Himanshu",
//     // we can write our keys in string
//     "age" : 19,
//     class : 12,
//     hobbies : ["cricket","singing","games"]
// }
// console.log(person);

// // 🌟 How to access data from object 🌟
// // we can access object data by using dot(.) sign

// console.log(
// console.log(person.age)
// // we can access our key using string sign , without string sign give error
// console.log(person["class"]);
// console.log(person.hobbies[1])

// // 🌟 How to add key value pair to object 🌟
// person.gender = "male"
// console.log(person);

// // 🌟 Difference between dot and bracket notation 🌟

// // 1st ex :-

// // const person2 = {
// //     name : "Roahn",
// //     age : 22,
// //     "person hobbies" : ['games','sleeping']
// // }

// // this will show error , we cant access with dot notation when there's space
// // console.log(person2.person hobbies);

// // We can access it through bracket notation
// // console.log(person2["person hobbies"]);

// // 2nd ex :-

// const key = 'email'
// const person2 = {
//     name : "Roahn",
//     age : 22,
//     "person hobbies" : ['games','sleeping']
// }
// person2[key] = ""
// console.log(person2);

// 🌟 How to iterate object 🌟

// const person3 = {
//     name : "mohan",
//     age : 28,
//     hobbies : ['dancing','singing']
// }

// there are two methods to itrerate through arrays
// 1. for in loop
// 2. Object.keys

// for (let key in person3){
//     console.log(`${key} : ${person3[key]}`);
// }

// console.log(Object.keys(person3));

// for(let key of Object.keys(person3)){
//     console.log(person3[key]);
// }

// ❓Question
const key1 = "objkey1";
const key2 = "objkey2";

const value1 = "myvalue1";
const value2 = "myvalue2";

// const obj = {
//     objkey1 : "myvalue1",
//     objkey2 : "myvalue2"
// }

// 1st method :-
// const obj = {
//    [key1] : value1,
//    [key2] : value2
// }
// console.log(obj);

// 2nd method
const obj = {}
obj[key1] = value1;
obj[key2] = value2;

// 🌟 Spread Operator (clone) 🌟

// This is how we use spread operator in arrays
// let array = ["mango","apple","banana"];

// let newArr = [...array, "papaya",'gauva','grapes']
// console.log(newArr);

// how to use spread operator in objects

let obj = {
    key1 : "value1",
    key2 : "value 2"

let newObj = {
    name : "ram",
    class : 4,


// 🌟 Object destructuring🌟
// 👉 ham object destructuring values ko
// alag veriables me store karne ke liye use kate hain

const band = {
    bandName : "one direction",
    famousSong : "Story of my life",
    leader : "harry styles",
    member : 5

// const bandName = band.bandName
// const famousSong = band.famousSong
// console.log(bandName , famousSong);

// now Object destructuring

const {bandName:var1 , famousSong:var2 , ...restProperties} = band;
// here var1 and var2 are variable , we can change

// console.log(bandName);
// console.log(bandSong);

console.log(restProperties); // rest unused properties will show in here

// 🌟 object inside array 🌟
// very useful in real world applications

const users = [
    { userId : 1 , firstName : "Rohit" , gender : "Male" },
    { userId : 2 , firstName : "Mohit" , gender : "Male" },
    { userId : 3 , firstName : "Sohit" , gender : "Male" },  

for (let user of users){

// 🌟 Nested distructuring 🌟

const users = [
    { userId : 1 , firstName : "Rohit" , gender : "Male" },
    { userId : 2 , firstName : "Mohit" , gender : "Male" },
    { userId : 3 , firstName : "Sohit" , gender : "Male" },  

const [{firstName:FN}, ,{gender:G}]=users;
// here FN and G is varabile created by me

// 🌟🌟🌟 FUNCTIONS 🌟🌟🌟

function sayHello() {

function sumTwoNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b
const returnedValue = sumTwoNumbers(2, 2);

// here a and b is parameters and 2,2 is arguments

// ❓ Question

// isEven
// input : 1 number
// output : true,false

function isEven(a) {
    if (a % 2 == 0) {
        return true
    return false

// ❓Question

// firstChar
// input : anystring
// output : first character

function firstChar(string) {
    return string[0];
const firstCharOutput = firstChar("RAMU");

// ❓Question

// function : findTarget
// input : array , target(number)
// output :index of target if target is present in array otherwise -1

let myArr = [12, 5, 68, 4, 58,]

function findTarget(arr, presentNum) {
    for (let i = 0; i <= arr.length; i++) {
        if (arr[i] === presentNum) {
            return i
    return -1

let answer = findTarget(myArr, 58);

// 🌟Funciton expression🌟

// eg

const addTwoNumbers = function (a, b) {
    return a + b;

console.log(addTwoNumbers(3, 4));

const singHappyBirthday = function (name) {
    console.log(`Happy Birthday to you ${name}`);

// 🌟Arrow functions🌟

const sayMyName = (name) => {
    console.log(`My name is ${name}`);

const myName = (name) => name;
const newName = myName("Himanshu");

// 🌟Function Inside function🌟

const func1 = () => {
    const func2 = () => {
        console.log("inside func2");
    const addTwoNumbers = (num1,num2) => {
        return num1 + num2;
    const mulNum = (a,b) => a*b

    console.log("inside func1");


func1() // only func2 will print now

// 🌟Lexical scope🌟

const myVar = "value1";

function myApp() {
    function myFunc() {
        // const myVar = "value2" , it will check the myVar
        // if it cant find here then it go on top
        const myFunc2 = () => {
            console.log("inside myFunc",myVar);


// 🌟 let and const are block scope
// ---> we cant use block outside of the block

// 🌟 var is function scope
// ---> we can use function scope outside of the block

// This is how blocks look like {}

    let emoji = "🤔";

    const emoji2 = "👋🏼"
    let emoji = "😆"

    const emoji2 = "😅"

// we can use var anywhere :-

    var message = "Hey MOM !"

// 🌟Default Parameters🌟

function addTwoNumbers(a,b=6) {
    return a+b

// 🌟Rest parameter🌟

// function myFunc(a,b,...c) {
//     console.log(`a is ${a}`)
//     console.log(`b is ${b}`)
//     console.log(`c is ${c}`)
// }
// myFunc(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

// ❓Question
// addAll (1,2,5,85,74,5)

// function addAll(...numbers) {
//    let total = 0;
//    for (let number of numbers){
//        total = total + number
//    }
//    return total;
// }

// const ans = addAll(1,2,3);
// console.log(ans);

// ❓ add 1,2,3 using foor loop

function addNum(...myArgs){
    let result = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < myArgs.length; i++){
        result = result + myArgs[i]

// 🌟 Parameter destructing 🌟

// we use it with Object , react

const person = {
    name : "ABC",
    gender : "Male"

function printDetails ({name,gender,age}){
    console.log(age); // undefined



// 🌟 Callback function 🌟

function myFunc2(name){
    console.log("inside my func 2")
    console.log(`your name is ${name}`);

function myFunc(callback){
    console.log("hello there I am a func and I can..")


// 🌟Function returning function🌟

function myFunc(){
    function hello(){
        return "hello world"
    return hello;

const ans = myFunc();


// 🌟 forEach()
// 🌟 map()
// 🌟 filter()
// 🌟 reduce()

// 👉 forEach
// we can't return in foreach
// it doenn't return array in return

let numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];

numbers.forEach(function (element,index,array){
    console.log(`Elements are :- ${element} Index are :- ${index}`);

// we can make function outside too

function myFunc (num , index){
    console.log(`number is ${num} and the index is ${index}`);


// 👉 map
// it always create new array
// always use return in map function otherwise it shows undefined

const numbers2 = [3,4,6,8];

let squareRoot =>{
    return n+n;

// // we can make function outside too

function myNum (number,index){
   return number + number;

const ans =;

// 👉 filter
// it help us to filter the array

const numbers3 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];

let isEven = numbers3.filter((number)=>{
        return number % 2 === 0;


// 👉 reduce

const numbers4 = [1,2,3,4,5, 10];

// aim : sum of all the numbers in array

const sum = numbers4.reduce((accumulator, currentValue)=>{
    return accumulator + currentValue;
}, 100); // 100 is initial value // current value 1

// accumulator , currentValue,  return
// 1               2              3
// 3               3              6
// 6               4              10
// 10              5              15
// 15              10             25

const userCart = [
    {productId: 1, productName: "mobile", price: 12000},
    {productId: 2, productName: "laptop", price: 22000},
    {productId: 3, productName: "tv", price: 15000},

const totalAmount = userCart.reduce((totalPrice, currentProduct)=>{
    return totalPrice + currentProduct.price;
}, 0) // 0 is initial value


// total price      currentValue         return
// 0                {}                   12000
// 12000            22000                34000
// 34000            15000                49000

// 👉 sort method
//char : ascii value

// '0' : 48
// '1' : 49
// '2' : 50
// '3' : 51
// '4' : 52
// '5' : 53
// '6' : 54
// '7' : 55
// '8' : 56
// '9' : 57

// ':' : 58
// ';' : 59
// '<' : 60
// '=' : 61
// '>' : 62
// '?' : 63
// '@' : 64

// 'A' : 65
// 'B' : 66
// 'C' : 67
// 'D' : 68
// 'E' : 69
// 'F' : 70
// 'G' : 71
// 'H' : 72
// 'I' : 73
// 'J' : 74
// 'K' : 75
// 'L' : 76
// 'M' : 77
// 'N' : 78
// 'O' : 79
// 'P' : 80
// 'Q' : 81
// 'R' : 82
// 'S' : 83
// 'T' : 84
// 'U' : 85
// 'V' : 86
// 'W' : 87
// 'X' : 88
// 'Y' : 89
// 'Z' : 90

// '[' : 91
// '\' : 92
// ']' : 93
// '^' : 94
// '_' : 95
// '`' : 96

// 'a' : 97
// 'b' : 98
// 'c' : 99
// 'd' : 100
// 'e' : 101
// 'f' : 102
// 'g' : 103
// 'h' : 104
// 'i' : 105
// 'j' : 106
// 'k' : 107
// 'l' : 108
// 'm' : 109
// 'n' : 110
// 'o' : 111
// 'p' : 112
// 'q' : 113
// 'r' : 114
// 's' : 115
// 't' : 116
// 'u' : 117
// 'v' : 118
// 'w' : 119
// 'x' : 120
// 'y' : 121
// 'z' : 122
// '{' : 123
// '|' : 124
// '}' : 125

// sort method change the original array
// it can take callback function

const numbers = [5,7,2,1,0,4,1200];
// output
// [0, 1, 1200, 2, 4, 5, 7]

// 👉 This is because javascript change these numbers in string and then compare
// by ascii values . ascii table is given on top

// now how javascript do it

//[0, 1, 1200, 2, 4, 5, 7]
// JS check the string's first number and compare in ascii table
// '0' : 48
// '1' : 49
// '2' : 50
// '3' : 51
// '4' : 52
// '5' : 53
// '6' : 54
// '7' : 55
// '8' : 56
// '9' : 57

// [0, 1, 1200, 2, 4, 5, 7]
// [48,49,49,,40,50,52,,52,55]

// 👉 here javascript see 1200 as a string and only take first character/number
// which is '1' and compare in ascii table.

// 👉 There is a benifit of this in alphabetical sorting

let userName = ["Mohan","Sohan","Johan","Rohan","ankit"];
let sortedName = userName.sort();
// 🛑 Note :- Capital letter will always come at first

//👉 How to deal with numbers

const number2 = [7,5,2,9,1,0,410,1200];
    return a-b
    // 👉 a-b ----> assending
    // 👉 b-a ----> desending

// 👉 No need to know how it works
// 1200,410
// a-b ---> 790
// a-b ---> postive (greater than 0) ---> b, a
// 410 , 1200

// a-b ---> negative ----> a,b
// 5, 9 ---> -4

// shoping application example :-

const producsts = [
    {  productId : 1, productName : "p1" , price : 400  },
    {  productId : 2, productName : "p2" , price : 3000  },
    {  productId : 3, productName : "p3" , price : 60  },
    {  productId : 4, productName : "p4" , price : 10000  }

// Low To High
const lowToHigh = producsts.sort((a,b)=>{
    return a.price-b.price;

// 👉 find method

const myArray = ["Hello","cat","dog","lion"];

const lenght3 = myArray.find((string)=>string.length===3);

// realistic example

const users = [
    {userId : 1, userName : "mohit", },
    {userId : 2, userName : "Ram", },
    {userId : 3, userName : "shyam", },
    {userId : 4, userName : "rangila", },
    {userId : 5, userName : "santosh", },

const output = users.find((user)=>user.userId===3);

// 👉 Every method
// if every conditon is satisfied then it will return true otherwise false
// callback function of every mehod return boolean (true/false)
// every method also return boolean (true/false)

const numbers = [2,4,6,8,10];
const isEven = numbers.every((num)=>num%2===0);

// realistic example

const userCart = [
    {productId: 1, productName: "mobile", price: 12000},
    {productId: 2, productName: "laptop", price: 22000},
    {productId: 3, productName: "tv", price: 15000},

const priceCheck = userCart.every((a)=>a.price<30000)

// 👉 some method

const numbers = [1,3,2,5];

// is there any number which is even?
// if yes then it will return true otherwise false.

let ans = numbers.some((number)=>number%2===0);

// realistic examples :-

const userCart = [
    {productId: 1, productName: "mobile", price: 12000},
    {productId: 2, productName: "laptop", price: 22000},
    {productId: 3, productName: "tv", price: 15000},
    {productId: 3, productName: "macbook", price: 250000},

const checkingPrice = userCart.some((cartItems)=>cartItems.price>100000)

// 👉 fill method
// value , start , end
// it change original array

const fillWith0 = new Array(10).fill(0);

const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
// here i want to fill 0 in place of 3,4,5

// 👉 splice method
// it help us to delete or insert anything inside array
// it change original array
// start, delete, insert

const myArray = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]

// delete
let deletedItem = myArray.splice(1,1)
// it can even return the deleted items
console.log(" deleted item ",deletedItem); // deleted
console.log(myArray); // original

// insert
myArray.splice(1,0,"inserted item")

// ❓ Delete and insert together

const Names = ["Mohit","Rohit","Jatin","Shekher"]

let deltedNames = Names.splice(1,2,"Ram","Shyam");
console.log("added names ", Names);

// 🌟 Iterables 🌟
// jispe ham for off loop laga sakte hain
// ex : string , array are iterables

const myName = "Himanshu";
for(let char of myName){

const items = ["item1","item2","item3"]
for (let item of items){

// ❓ is object iterable?
// ➡️ no objects aren't iterable

// ex :-
// its wrong
// const users = {
//     key1 : "value1",
//     key2 : "value2",
//     key3 : "value3",
// }

// for (let user of users){
//     console.log(user);
// }
// output
// Uncaught TypeError: users is not iterable

// 🌟 array like object 🌟
// jinke pas length prperty hoti hai
// aur jinko ham index se access kar sakte hain
// example :- string

let gameName = "GTA V";

// 🌟 SET 🌟
// 👉 it's iterable
// 👉 set return new array
// 👉 store data (it store linear data like arrays do )
// 👉 sets also have its own methods
// 👉 No index-based access
// 👉 Order is not guaranteed
// 👉 unique items only (no duplicate allowed)

// how to create set

let arrays = ["item1","item2"]
const numbers = new Set();
// numbers.add(arrays); // we cant add this one because we already added

// but here we can add like this because we have different memory location
// 👉 has method
    console.log("not present");

// we can use for of loop here

for (let number of numbers){

// we can use set to get unique elements from an array

let myArr = [4,4,5,5,7,6,2,4,1,1,1,1,1,1];
let uniqueElements = new Set(myArr);
// here we only get unique numbers not repeatable one

// we cant use length property here so we have a trick to do this

length =0;
for (let elements of uniqueElements){

// 🌟🌟 Maps 🌟🌟
// its not map method
// map is an iterable

// store data in orderd fashion

// store key value pair (like object)
// duplicate keys aren't allowed like objects

// different between maps and objects

// object can only have string or symbol
// as key

// in map you can use anything as key
// like array,number,string

// 👉 Object literals
// key -> string
// key -> symbol

// const person = {
//     firstName : "Rohan",
//     age : 12,
//     1 : "one"
// }

// console.log(person.firstName);
// console.log(person['firstName']);
// console.log(person[1]);

// 👉 How map works :-
const person = new Map();
// accessing

for(let key of person.keys()){

// nhi samjh aaya to chod diya :D

// 🌟 Clone using Object.assign 🌟

const obj = {
    key1 : "value1",
    key2 : "value2"

// const obj2 = obj
// adding data to obj
// obj.key3 = "value3"
// now the value will clone in obj2 too

// but if you dont want these changes in both objects
// then use (...) spread operator
// for ex
// const obj2 = {...obj} // in this obj value 3 is not added

// console.log(obj);
// console.log(obj2);

// Now Object.assign (it works like spread operator (...))
// how to clone
const obj2 = Object.assign({},obj);
obj.key3 = "value3"

// 🌟 Optional chaining 🌟

const user = {
    firstName : "ROHIT",
    // address : {houseNumber : "1234"}
    // jaise yaha address nhi hai lekin yaha error nahi ayega
    // undefined aa jayega
// (?.) ham tab lagayenge jab koi chiz abhi ke liye exist na karti ho
// but in future yaha kuch data aa sakta hai ,
// us situation me hame error nhi chahiye to ham (.?) ka use karte hain


// 🌟🌟 method 🌟🌟
// function inside object is called method

function personInfo(){
    console.log(`${this.firstName}'s age is ${this.age}`);
const person1 = {
    firstName : "Ram",
    age : 10,
    about : personInfo
const person2 = {
    firstName : "shyam",
    age : 24,
    about : personInfo
const person3 = {
    firstName : "sohan",
    age : 19,
    about : personInfo

// 🌟🌟 this keyword 🌟🌟
// 👉 this is a object
// 👉 The defination of 'this' object is that it contain the current context.
//     The this object can have different value depending on where it is placed.
// 👉  this object not work with Fat arrow function

// "use strict" // use strict rhega to undefied ayega warna pura windows obj ayega
function myFunc(){


// 🌟 this keyword in Arrow function 🌟
// 👉 arrow function doen't take this keyword

const user = {
    firstName : "Ram",
    age : 12,
    about : myfun = () => console.log(this.firstName , this.age)


// 🌟 call,apply,bind method🌟

// 👉 call()
//    by using this we dont have to copy things /rename
const user1 = {
    firstName : "aman",
    age : 12,
    about : function (hobby,favMusician){
        console.log(this.firstName,this.age , hobby , favMusician);

const user2 = {
    firstName : "sam",
    age : 17,
// function borrowing,"guitar","justin bieber");

// 👉 apply method
// it works same  like call but in apply we give arguments in array
user1.about.apply(user2,["games,one direction"])

// 👉 bind
// it never print , it return function
const func = user1.about.bind(user1,"Sleeping","alan walker");

// 🌟 Short syntax 🌟
//  👉 Short syntax to create function/method in object
//  👉 funciton inside objects are method , so we can call it method

// const user1 = {
    // firstName : "ABC",
    // age : 5,
    // about : function myFunc (){
        // console.log("hello!");
    // }
// }

const user1 = {
    firstName : "ABC",
    age : 5,

// Both are correct


// // 🌟🌟 Date object 🌟🌟

// // let x = new Date();
// // console.log(x);

// let y = new Date(2022,11,13,10,06,33,7)
// console.log(y);
// // 👉 year > month > day > hours > minutes > second > millisecond
// // 👉 minimum requriment year and month

// // 👉 we can use as a string too
// let stringDate = new Date("October 13, 2017 , 11:12:13:4")
// console.log(stringDate);

// // 👉👉 get() method
// // we can get the values

// // 👉 how to get time in millisecond
// let getmillisecond = stringDate.getTime()
// console.log(getmillisecond);

// // 🛑 Note :- ye time hame computer ke banne se leke abhi tak
// // ka dikhata hai ! like 1970 se abhi tak ka !

// // 👉 How to get full year
// let getFullYear = stringDate.getFullYear();
// console.log(getFullYear);

// // 👉 How to get Month  
// let getMonth = stringDate.getMonth();
// console.log(getMonth);

// // 👉 How to get date  
// let getDate = stringDate.getDate();
// console.log(getDate);

// // 👉 How to get hours
// let getHours = stringDate.getHours();
// console.log(getHours);

// // 👉 How to get minutes
// let getMinutes = stringDate.getMinutes();
// console.log(getMinutes);

// // 👉 How to get seconds
// let getSecond = stringDate.getSeconds();
// console.log(getSecond);

// // 👉 How to get milliseconds
// let getMilisecond = stringDate.getMilliseconds();
// console.log(getMilisecond);

// 👉👉 set() method
// we can set/change the values

let myDate = new Date ("october 13, 2018 11:12:13:14");
// 👉 set Year

// 👉 set month

// 👉 set date

// 👉 set hours

// 👉 set minutes

// 👉 set second

// 👉 set millisecond

// console.log(myDate);

// ❓ which day will be after 50 days of this date?

let x = new Date ("october 13, 2018 11:12:13:14");
let y = new Date ("october 13, 2018 11:12:13:14");

// now we changing the date and we will add 50 days to y

y.setDate(x.getDate() + 50);
console.log("( unchanded date) ",x);
console.log("( changed date) ",y);

// 👉 Compare Dates

let date1 = new Date("october 13, 2018 11:12:13:14");
let date2 = new Date();

    console.log("date 1 is future date");
}else if (date1<date2){
    console.log("date 1 is past date");
    console.log("equal date");

// 🌟🌟 New Keyword 🌟🌟
// 👉 it create object using constructor

let person1 = {
    key1 : "value1"

// new keyword
let person2 = new Object()
person2.key1 = "value1"

// Both are same

// 🌟 Getter and Setter 🌟

// 👉👉 getter
// 👉 jab hame koi bhi propery ka value get karna hai manupulate/change kar ke
// object se bhar lana hai

var user = {
    name : "Himanshu",
    age : 19,

    // getName : function (){
    //     return;
    // }

    get getName(){

// console.log(user.getName()); here we using () because we accessing it like a method

// but here we dont use breaket because we using get method

// 👉 how to call
// 👉 method call by using bracket where propery call by only name
// 👉 but here we dont want to call as a method , we want to call as a propery
// 👉 here getter and setter help us , look on user object

// 👉👉 setter
// 👉 jab hame enter karte hue ya set karate hue property ko change karn hai
// to ham setter funciton ka use karte hain

// 👉 man lo ki mujhe hames apne naam ki value ko
    // upercase me rkhna hai to ham yaha pe setter ka use kar sakte haiin
    // ex

const user2 = {
    name : "abhijeet",
    age : 30,
    set setName (n){
        this.n =n.toUpperCase()

user2.setName = 'ramu'

// 🌟🌟🌟🌟 IMPORTANT 🌟🌟🌟🌟

// 👉 we use it jab hame key same rkhni hoti hai lekin
// hame values change chahiye hoti hai to we use it
// 👉 js devloper es6 se pehle yahi use karte the kyuki
// us time class nhi hua karte the js me

// 🛑 Note :- Object constructor banate time name ka first letter hame capital rkhna chahiye

// var student = {
//     firstName : "Ajit",
//     lastName : "Kumar",
//     age : 15,
//     class : 9
// }
// agr hame or v banane hai to copy karke value change karna hoga
// isiliye new tarika hai iska obj constructor

function Students (first,last,age,cls){
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    this.age = age;
    this.class = cls;
    this.fullName = function(){
        return this.firstName + " " +this.lastName

var student1 = new Students("Ajit","kumar",15,9);
var student2 = new Students("Sujeet","tiwari",24,12);

// 👉 how to add propety
student1.nationality = "India"

// how to add method
student1.about = function (){
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} is a good boy`


// 🌟🌟🌟🌟 IMPORTANT 🌟🌟🌟🌟

// 👉 we use it jab hame key same rkhni hoti hai lekin
// hame values change chahiye hoti hai to we use it
// 👉 js devloper es6 se pehle yahi use karte the kyuki
// us time class nhi hua karte the js me

// 🛑 Note :- Object constructor banate time name ka first letter hame capital rkhna chahiye

// var student = {
//     firstName : "Ajit",
//     lastName : "Kumar",
//     age : 15,
//     class : 9
// }
// agr hame or v banane hai to copy karke value change karna hoga
// isiliye new tarika hai iska obj constructor

function Students (first,last,age,cls){
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    this.age = age;
    this.class = cls;
    this.fullName = function(){
        return this.firstName + " " +this.lastName

var student1 = new Students("Ajit","kumar",15,9);
var student2 = new Students("Sujeet","tiwari",24,12);

// 👉 how to add propety
student1.nationality = "India"

// how to add method
student1.about = function (){
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} is a good boy`


// 🌟🌟 class 🌟🌟

class CreateUser{
    // 👉 its a templete which help us to crate an object
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastlastName =lastName; = email;
        this.age = age;
        this.address = address;
        return this.firstName + "'s age is " + this.age
// 👉 new keyword is neccessary

const user1 = new CreateUser("ajit","kumar","",19,"address1")

// 👉 Class practise and extended keyword

class Animal {
    constructor(name,age){ = name;
        this.age = age;
        return `${} is eating`;

        return this.age <= 1;

        return true;
const animal1 = new Animal("kitty",1);

// 👉 Extended keywords

class Dog extends Animal{
        // 👉 Super keywords
        // super is used for getting prarent's value
        this.speed = speed;
        return `${} is running at a speed of ${this.speed}`

// 👉 object or instance are same

const animal2 = new Dog("tommy",1,45);

// another one

const emp1 = new Human("Ajit",112);
const emp2 = new Human("ranjit",99)

class Gender extends Human{
        this.gender = gender    
        if(this.gender == "male" || this.gender == "MALE" || this.gender == "Male"){
            return `${} is Male`
        }else if(this.gender == "female" || this.gender == "FEMALE" || this.gender == "Female"){
           return `${} is female`
    // we cant use this keyword in static
    static mulNum(a,b){
        return a*b

const emp4 = new Gender("Akash",102,'male');
const emp5 = new Gender("sneha",99,"female");


2nd part javascript start

// 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟PHASES🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

//  👉 compilation
// 1. because of early error checking
// 2. hame determine karna hota hai hai
//    appropriate scope kya hain variables
//    ke liye

// 👉 code execution
// 1. code ko execute karne ke liye hame
//    execution context create karna hoga
// 2. sabse pehle jo execution context create
//    hota hai usko ham GLOBAL execution context
//    bolte hain

// 🌟 Two phases of GLOBAL execution context
//  ➡️ creation phase
//  ➡️ code execution phase

// 👉 why compilation
// 👉 how javascript code executes
// 👉 what is global execution context
// 👉 what is local execution context

var firstName = "Ajit";


// In JavaScript, Hoisting is the default behavior of moving all the declarations
// at the top of the scope before code execution. Basically, it gives us an advantage
// that no matter where functions and variables are declared, they are moved to the
// top of their scope regardless of whether their scope is global or local.

// 👉 it only take decleration on top // only var x not 'hello'

// console.log(x);
// var x = "hello"

// console.log(x);
// let x = 7;

// 👉 hoisting work with let and const too but js doesn't give undefied to itself
//    thats why this error comes (Cannot access 'x' before initialization)

// 🌟closures🌟
// A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (elclosed)
// with references to its surrounfing state (the lexical environment).

// In other words, a closure gives you access to an
// outer function's scope from an inner function.

// In JavaScript, closure are created every time a function is created,
// at function creation time.

// 👉 function can return function

 function outerFunction(){
     function innerFunction(){
        return "hello world";
     return innerFunction;

 const ans = outerFunction();

// 🌟select element using get element by id🌟

const mainHeadingGEBI = document.getElementById('main-heading');

// 🌟select element using query selector🌟
// we can select class or id or anything(h1,a,p) by using query selector

const mainHeadingQS = document.querySelector("#main-heading");
const header = document.querySelector('.header');

// // 👉 only one navlist if we use querySelector
const navItem = document.querySelector('.nav-item');

// // 👉 if we want all nav items then we can use querySelctorAll
const allNavItems = document.querySelectorAll('.nav-item');

// 🌟Text content and inner Text🌟

// 👉 text content -> ye hame sara text dega console pe
// agar hamne wo browser se hide bhi kar rkha hai wo bhi

// 👉 inner text -> ye bas hame wahi text dega jo browser pe
//  show ho rha ho

const mainHeading = document.getElementById('main-heading');
const chandedText = mainHeading.textContent = "changed text";
console.log(chandedText); // pehle "manage ur task tha" ab 'changed text ho gya'

// 🌟🌟 change the style of elements 🌟🌟

const changeColor = document.querySelector('div.headline h2'); = "red"; = "yellow"

// 🌟🌟 get and set attributes 🌟🌟
//  attribute = link/href

// get attributes
const link = document.querySelector('a');

// const mainHeadingText = document.querySelector('.form-todo input');
// const ans = mainHeadingText.getAttribute('type');
// console.log(ans);

// set attributes

// get multiple elements using getElement by class name

// const navItem = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-item'); // HTML selection
// console.log(navItem[0]);

// get multiple elements items using querySelectorAll

const navItem = document.querySelectorAll('nav-item');

// 🌟 Loop 🌟

// 👉 we cannot use foreach to iterate html collection
// 👉 but we can change html collection to array then
//     we can use foreach
// 👉 array like object -> indexing , length

let navItems = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for(let i = 0; i<navItems.length; i++){
    const navItem = navItems[i]; = "red"; = "yellow";

// for(let navItem of navItems){
// = 'red'
// }

// 👉 here we can change html collection into array

 navItems = Array.from(navItems);

//  👉 and now we can use forEach
 navItems.forEach((navItem)=>{ = "blue"

// 👉 query selector se hame element nodes me milte hain
//     means ham uspe direct koi v loops laga sakte hain
//     including foreach loops v

const navLists = document.querySelectorAll('.a'); // Node lists []
navLists.forEach((navList)=>{ = "cyan"

// 🌟🌟 Inner HTML 🌟🌟

let headline = document.querySelector('.headline');
headline.innerHTML = "<h1>Hello world</h1>";

// 🌟DOM Traversing🌟

// 👉 childNode

const rootNode = document.getRootNode();
const htmlElements = rootNode.childNodes[0];
// console.log(htmlElements.childNodes);// nodeList(3) [head,text,body]
const headElementNode = htmlElements.childNodes[0]
const textElementNode = htmlElements.childNodes[1]
const bodyElementNode = htmlElements.childNodes[2]

// console.log(headElementNode);

// 👉 Parent node
const parentNode = textElementNode.parentNode
// console.log(parentNode); // html

// 👉 sibling relationship
const sibling = headElementNode.nextSibling;
console.log(sibling); // text node
console.log(sibling.nextElementSibling); // body element

// 👉 nextElementSibling white spaces ko ignore karta hai

// 👉 direct selection
const body  = document.body;

// 👉 we can use selector to any element
const head = document.getElementById('head');
const title = head.querySelector('title')

// 👉 children
const container = document.querySelector('.container');

// 🌟classList , add , remove and toggle classes🌟

// 👉 add class
const todoSection = document.querySelector(".section-todo");
// todoSection.classList.add('bg-dark')

// 👉 remove class
// todoSection.classList.remove('container')

// 👉 contain
const ans =  todoSection.classList.contains('container');
// console.log(ans);

// 👉 toggle
// jo class hoga usko remove karega
// jo nhi hai usko add kar deta hai

// todoSection.classList.toggle('bg-dark')
// todoSection.classList.toggle('bg-dark')

// 🌟Add html element using javascript🌟

const todoList = document.querySelector('.todo-list');
// todoList.innerHTML = "<li>first todo</li>"
// todoList.innerHTML = todoList.innerHTML + "<li>2nd todo</li>"

// 👉 this isnt a good method to do this it decrese
//  website's performence

// document.createElement()
// append
// prepend
// remove
// before
// after

// 👉 document.createElement()
//   for creating new element

const newTodo = document.createElement("li");
newTodo.textContent = "Eat snacks";
const todoList = document.querySelector('.todo-list');

// 👉 append
todoList.append(newTodo); // piche

// 👉 prepend
todoList.prepend(newTodo); // aage

// 👉 remove
const todo1 = document.querySelector('.todo-list li');

// 🌟 clone nodes 🌟

const ul = document.querySelector('.todo-list');
const li = document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = "cloned todo";
const li2 = li.cloneNode(true)
// 👉 true karne se everything(child,elem,etc) clone ho jayega

// 🌟 Static List vs Live List 🌟

// 👉 querySelectorAll hamein static list degi
// 👉 getElementBySomething hamein live list degi

// 🌟 How to get dimension of element 🌟
// height width

const sectionTodo  = document.querySelector('.section-todo');
const info = sectionTodo.getBoundingClientRect()

// 🌟 Event 🌟
// click
// button press
// mouse hover

const btn = document.querySelector('.btn-headline');
// method -----> add event listner

btn.addEventListener('click', ()=>{

// this keyword

const btn = document.querySelector('.btn-headline');

    console.log("value of this");

// 🌟 click event on multiple buttons 🌟

const allBtn = document.querySelectorAll('button');

for(let btn of allBtn){

// 🌟 event object 🌟

// const firstButton = document.querySelector("#one");
// firstButton.addEventListener('click',function(event){
//     console.log(event);
// })

// jab bhi mai kisi bhi element pe event listener add hoga
// js Engine --- line by line execute karta hai
// browser ---- js Engine + extra features
// browser ----- js Engine + WebApi

// jab browser ko pata chala ki user ne event perform kia
// jo hum listen kar rahe hai
// browser ----- 2
// 1.) callback function hai vo js Engine ko degi ......
// 2.)  callback function ke sath browser jo event hua hai uski information bhi dega
// ye info hamein ek object ke form mai milegi

const allBtn = document.querySelectorAll('.my-buttons button');

for(let i=0; i<=allBtn.length; i++){

// practise 1

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".my-buttons");

for(let btn of buttons){
    btn.addEventListener('click',(e)=>{ = 'yellow'; = 'green';

// Project
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./little-demo.css">
    <script src="./19.js" defer></script>
    <title>Random Colors</title>
<body class="body">
        <div class="container">
            <h1>Current Color : <span class="current-color"> rgb(255,255,255) </span> </h1>
            <button>Change Background Color</button>

// color changing project

const btn = document.querySelector('button');
const body = document.querySelector('.body');
const currentColor = document.querySelector('.current-color')

// random color
function randomColorGenerator(){
    const red = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    const green = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    const blue = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    const randomColor = `rgb(${red},${green},${blue})`
    return randomColor

    const randomColor = randomColorGenerator(); = randomColor;
    currentColor.textContent = randomColor

// 🌟 Keyboard and mouse event 🌟

// 👉 keyboard
const body = document.body;

//👉  mouse
const mainBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-headline');

    console.log("mouseover even occur");

    console.log("leave even occur");
// many more

 <title>Event Bubbling | Capturing | delegation</title>
      <div class="grandparent box">
        <div class="parent box">
          <div class="child box">Child</div>

// 🌟🌟
// 👉 event bubbline / propagation
// 👉 event capuring
// 👉 event delegation

// console.log("hello world");

const grandparent = document.querySelector(".grandparent");
// const parent = document.querySelector(".parent");
// const child = document.querySelector(".child");

// capturing events
// child.addEventListener(
//   "click",
//   () => {
//     console.log("capture !!!! child");
//   },
//   true
// );
// parent.addEventListener(
//   "click",
//   () => {
//     console.log("capture !!!! parent");
//   },
//   true
// );
// grandparent.addEventListener(
//   "click",
//   () => {
//     console.log("capture !!!! grandparent");
//   },
//   true
// );
// document.body.addEventListener(
//   "click",
//   () => {
//     console.log("capture !!!! document.body");
//   },
//   true
// );

///// not capture

// child.addEventListener("click", () => {
//   console.log("bubble child");
// });
// parent.addEventListener("click", () => {
//   console.log("bubble parent");
// });
// grandparent.addEventListener("click", () => {
//   console.log("bubble grandparent");
// });
// document.body.addEventListener("click", () => {
//   console.log("bubble document.body");
// });

// 👉 event delegation
// grandparent.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
//   console.log(;
// });

<!-- todo  -->
    <script src="22_todo.js" defer></script>

    <header class="header">
      <nav class="nav container">
        <h1 class="logo">Website</h1>
        <ul class="nav-items">
          <li class="nav-item"><a class="a" href="#home">Home</a></li>
          <li class="nav-item"><a class="a" href="">Todo</a></li>
          <li class="nav-item"><a class="a" href="">Sign Up</a></li>
      <div class="headline">
        <h2 id="main-heading">
          Manage your tasks <span style="display: none">Hello</span>
        <button class="btn btn-headline">Learn More</button>

    <section class="section-todo container">
      <h2>Your plan for today ?</h2>
      <!-- todo form  -->
      <form class="form-todo">
        <input type="text" name="" id="todo-input-text" placeholder="Add Todo" />
        <input type="submit" value="Add Todo" class="btn" />

      <ul class="todo-list">
          <span class="text">Do this do that</span>
          <div class="todo-buttons">
            <button class="todo-btn done">Done</button>
            <button class="todo-btn remove">Remove</button>

const todoForm = document.querySelector(".form-todo");
const todoInput = document.querySelector("#todo-input-text");
const todoList = document.querySelector(".todo-list");

todoForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
    e.preventDefault() // it help to stop refreshing the page
    const newTodoText = todoInput.value;
    const newLi = document.createElement("li");
    const newLiInnerHTML = `
    <span class="text">${newTodoText}</span>
    <div class="todo-buttons">
      <button class="todo-btn done">Done</button>
      <button class="todo-btn remove">Remove</button>
    newLi.innerHTML = newLiInnerHTML
    todoInput.value = "";

        const targetedLi =;

       const liSpan =; = "line-through"

/// JS part 3

// 🌟 synchronous programming vs asynchronous programming 🌟
// 👉 synchronous programming
// 👉 js is a synchronous programming single threaded language
// 👉 synchronous programming code ko line by line read karta hai
//    jab tak ek kaaam kahatam nahi hoga tab tak dusra kaam nahi hoga

// 👉 jaise yahan jab tak for loop ka kaam khatam nahi hoga tabtak
//    script ended print nhi hoga

// console.log("script started");

// for(let i=0; i<10000; i++){
//     console.log("inside for loop");
// }

// console.log("script ended");

// 🌟 asynchronous programming
// 👉 javscript asynchronous programming  languge nahi hai lekin ham fir bhi js me
// asynchronous programming kar pate hain kyuki bhale hi js asynchronous programming
// language na ho lekin ye kam ham web api ki madad se kar pate hain

// take a look

// 🌟🌟🌟 setTimeout 🌟🌟🌟

// console.log("script start");

// setTimeout(()=>{
//     console.log("hello world");
// },1000);

// console.log('script ended');

// 🛑 setTimeOut ham kisi v chiz ko delay karne ke liye use karte hain
// 🛑 setTimeOut hame return me hamesa ek id deta hai
// 🛑 jab tak setTimeOut ka data print nhi hoga tab tak age ke kam hote rhenge
//     or aisa synchronous me nhi hota hai lekin ham web api ki madad se ise(asynchronous)
//     kar sakte hain

// 👉 Id

console.log("script start");

let setTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("hello there");
console.log(setTimeoutId); // here we get Id

console.log("script end");

// console printing pattern
// script start ➡️ 1(id) ➡️ script end ➡️ hello there

// 🌟 clearTimeout
// 👉 clear timeout se ham setTimeout ko finish/kill/rok sakte hein
//     uski id ki help se

// now in console "hello there" will not print
// because we cleared the settimeout function

// 🌟 set Interval
// 👉 jab hame kisi nischit samaye pe koi chiz bar bar chahhiye
//    to ham set interval ka use karte hain  

console.log("script start");

const setIntervalID = setInterval(()=>{
    console.log("inside set interval");

console.log("script end");

// 👉 clear interval
//  clear interval ham tab use karenge jab hame setInterval ko
//  rokna ho

// 👉 ID
// set interval v hame ek id deti hai jiski madad se ham koi task
// perform kar sakte hain like clearInterval

// 🌟 Callback 🌟

// const datas = [
//     {name:"ajit",profession:"engineer"},
//     {name:"anuj",profession:"engineer"},
// ]

// function getDatas(){
//     setTimeout(()=>{
//         datas.forEach((data)=>{
//             console.log(;
//         })
//     },1000)
// }

// function createData(newData,callback){
//     setTimeout(()=>{
//         datas.push(newData);
//         // 👉 this value will not print
//         callback()
//         // 👉 now this will print
//     },2000)
// }

// createData({name:"monu",profession:'video creator'},getDatas)

// 🌟🌟 Callback hell 🌟🌟

let heading1 = document.querySelector('.heading1');
let heading2 = document.querySelector('.heading2')
let heading3 = document.querySelector('.heading3')
let heading4 = document.querySelector('.heading4')
let heading5 = document.querySelector('.heading5')

// setTimeout(()=>{
//     heading1.textContent = "one";
// = "violet";
//     setTimeout(()=>{
//         heading2.textContent = "two";
// = "purple";
//         setTimeout(()=>{
//             heading3.textContent = "three";
//    = "red";
//             setTimeout(()=>{
//                 heading4.textContent = "four";
//        = "pink";
//                 setTimeout(() => {
//                     heading5.textContent = "five";
//            = "green"
//                 }, 5000);
//             },4000)
//         },3000)
//     },2000)
// },1000)

// 👉 Doing same thing with functions

// function changeText(element,text,color,time){
//     if(element!=null){
//         setTimeout(()=>{
//             element.textContent = text;
//    = color;
//         },time)
//     }else{
//         console.log("your element doesn't exist");
//     }
// }

// changeText(heading1,"one","pink",1000);

// 👉👉  Scenario

// 1. Register
// 2. Send welcome Email
// 3. Login
// 4. Get-user data
// 5. Display user data

// i want to give time to register function before all other function.

// Hindi me bole to callback function hm tab use karenge jab hame kisi
// ek task ko complete hone ke bad dusra task karrna ho to ham
// call back funciton ka use karte hain

//  down below i use call back


function register(callback) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("resgister end");
    }, 2000);
  function sendEmail(callback) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("Email send");
    }, 3000);
  function login(callback) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("Logoin end");
    }, 1000);
  function getUserData() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("Got user data");
    }, 1000);
  function DisplayUserData() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("User data displayed");
    }, 1000);
  // This is callback function :--
  // call back hell
  register(function (){
  console.log("other application work is doing fine");
  //  This is not a good practise :-
  // Thats why we use promises..

// 🌟🌟 Promises 🌟🌟
// 👉 future value is the older name of promise
// 👉 promise is feature of browser not js
// 👉 promise is asynchronous
// 👉 promise is a object

console.log("script start");

let player = ["Rohit" , "Virat" , "Dhoni"];

let myPlayer = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
    if(player.includes("Rohit") && player.includes("Virat") && player.includes("Dhoni")){
        resolve("I will win the game")
        reject("I cant win the game without them")

// produce

// consume
// how to consume

// myPlayer.then((res)=>{
//     // 👉 jab promise resolve hoga
//     console.log(res);
//     // 👉 jab promise reject hoga
// },(error)=>{
//     console.log(error);
// })

// 👉 ye bhi same kam karega lekin yaha hame 2 callback
//    function likhne ki jarurat nahi hai just like uper
//    me ham likhte the . ham simply catch ko use kar sakte hain


// 👉 proving that its a synchronous programm
for(let i=0; i<10; i++){

console.log("script end");

// 🌟 function returning promise 🌟

let player = ["Rohit" , "Virat" , "Dhoni"];

function myPlayer() {
    return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
        if(player.includes("Rohit") && player.includes("Virat") && player.includes("Dhoni")){
            resolve("I will win the game")
            reject("I cant win the game without them")


// 🌟🌟 promise and setTimeout 🌟🌟

// i want to resolve / reject after 2 seconds

function myPromise (){
    return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
        const value = false;
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000);

// 🌟 promise chaning 🌟

function myPromise(){
    return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{

    .then((value)=>{ return value=value+"Kumar"})
    .then((value)=>{return value=value+"Singh"})

 // 🌟then🌟
// 👉 then method always return promise
// 👉 yha pe hamesa ye promise return kar rha hai
//    tabhi ham then method laga paa rhe hain

// 🌟🌟 callback hell to flat code 🌟🌟

const heading1 = document.querySelector(".heading1")
const heading2 = document.querySelector(".heading2")
const heading3 = document.querySelector(".heading3")
const heading4 = document.querySelector(".heading4")
const heading5 = document.querySelector(".heading5")

function changeElement(element,text,color,time){
    return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
                resolve("all set")
                element.textContent = text;
       = color;
                reject("something went wrong , please check your code")

        .then(()=>{return changeElement(heading2,"two","blue",2000)})
        .then(()=>{return changeElement(heading3,"three","yellow",2000)})
        .then(()=>{return changeElement(heading4,"four","pink",2000)})
        .then(()=>{return changeElement(heading5,"five","green",2000)})

// 🌟🌟 AJAX 🌟🌟


// AJAX : asynchronous javascript and XML

// HTTP request (hyper text transfer protocall)

// AJAX is a set of "web development techniques"
// using many web technologies on the "client-side "
// to create asynchronous web applications.

// With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve
// data from a server asynchronously (in the background)
// without interfering with the display and
// behaviour of the existing page

// We don't use data in XML format anymore.
// we use JSON now.

// we have 3 most common ways to create and send request to server
// 1.) xmlHTTPRequest (old way of doing)
// 2.) fetch API (new way of doing)
// 3.) axios (this is third party library)

// 🌟Fetch🌟

// 👉 GET

// const URL = "";

// fetch(URL)
//     .then((res)=>{
//         if(res.ok!=false){
//             return res.json();
//         }else{
//             throw new Error("something went wrong !!")
//         }
// })
// .then((data)=>{
//     console.log(data);
// })
// // 👉 jab internet nhi rehega tab catch chalega
// .catch((error)=>{
//     console.log("inside catch");
//     console.log(error);
// })

// 👉 POST

const URL = "";

    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({
        title : 'foo',
        body : 'bar',
        userId : 1
    headers: {
        'Content-type' : 'application/json'
    return res.json()

// 🌟🌟 ASYNC AWAIT 🌟🌟

const URL = "";

// 👉 first with then

// fetch(URL)
//     .then((res)=>{
//         return res.json()
//     }).then((data)=>{
//         console.log(data);
//     })

// 👉 async await
// 👉 function ke age async lagane se wo hamesa ek promise return karega
//   aur await tab tak wait karega jab tak wo resolve nahi ho jata
async function getPost () {
   const response =  await fetch(URL);
   const data = await response.json()
   return data;


// It always store data in form of key value pair which must be in string
// local storage's space is larger
// local storage data will never be deleted after the browser will close or on tab changes
// we can delete this data manually or by using local storage methods

const input = document.querySelector(".input-text");
const addBtn = document.querySelector(".add");
const deleteBtn = document.querySelector(".delete");
const printBtn = document.querySelector(".print");

addBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  // localStorage.setItem("key", input.value);
  // in case of storing object or array we can first change it into string
    JSON.stringify({ name: "marvin", surname: "allen" })

deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {

 *  If we want to access that storage data back then first we need to convert that string into JSON format
 *  with the help of JSON.parse() and then we can get the data from local storage
 *  */

// ex

printBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {


// session storage's space is smaller
// session storage data will be deleted after the browser will close or on tab changing

const input = document.querySelector(".input-text");
const addBtn = document.querySelector(".add");
const deleteBtn = document.querySelector(".delete");

const getVal = () => {
  sessionStorage.setItem("key", input.value);

addBtn.addEventListener("click", getVal);

const deleteVal = () => {

deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", deleteVal);